Thanks, Christina. Here are five of my favorites. I love all these programs because I can listen while I'm painting without being distracted by visuals. I'll give logo of the program, a description of the program, and an individual show I really liked:

Radiolab. "Radiolab is a show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience."Happy Birthday, Good Dr. Sacks. "One of our favorite human beings turns 80 this week. To celebrate, Robert asks Oliver Sacks to look back on his career, and explain how thousands of worms and a motorbike accident led to a brilliant writing career."

This American Life. "The radio show and TV show follow the same format. There's a theme to each episode, and a variety of stories on that theme. It's mostly true stories of everyday people, though not always."
"Georgia Rambler." In the 1970s a reporter named Charles Salter wrote a column for the Atlanta Journal called "Georgia Rambler." He'd get into his car, head out to some small town, and ask around until he found a story. This week, nine of us go to Georgia to try it out for ourselves, in small towns all over the state.

Sidebar Nation. "Four-color conversations on comics, art, and pop culture."
Brad Holland. "Brad's been a 'creator of images' (that's a nice safe title) for almost four decades now and he's still going strong. In our opinion, his career and contributions to the art community are marked in several ways."
Science magazine podcast. "The world's leading journal of original scientific research."
Bird Intelligence. As birds earn recognition for their intelligence, scientists are taking a closer look at bird brains using PET scans. Virginia Morell describes the state of the research.
TED talks on audio. A wide variety of interesting presentations on science and art.
If you would like to nominate your favorites in the comments, perhaps I'll do a poll of the best of the best.
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